- package com.esri.ags.samples
- {
- import com.esri.ags.SpatialReference;
- import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
- import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
- import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.LOD;
- import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.TileInfo;
- import com.esri.ags.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- /**
- * PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer
- */
- public class PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer extends TiledMapServiceLayer
- {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Constructor
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Creates a new PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer object.
- */
- public function PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer()
- {
- super();
- buildTileInfo(); // to create our hardcoded tileInfo
- setLoaded(true); // Map will only use loaded layers
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Variables
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private var _tileInfo:TileInfo = new TileInfo(); // see buildTileInfo()
- private var _baseURL:String = "http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/arcgiscache/Portland_Portland_ESRI_LandBase_AGO/Portland/_alllayers";
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Overridden properties
- // fullExtent()
- // initialExtent()
- // spatialReference()
- // tileInfo()
- // units()
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------
- // fullExtent
- // - required to calculate the tiles to use
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get fullExtent():Extent
- {
- return new Extent(-123.596895130725, 44.297575737946, -121.553757125519, 46.3683237161949, new SpatialReference(4326));
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // initialExtent
- // - needed if Map doesn't have an extent
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get initialExtent():Extent
- {
- return new Extent(-122.539, 45.500, -122.540, 45.501, new SpatialReference(4326));
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // spatialReference
- // - needed if Map doesn't have a spatialReference
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get spatialReference():SpatialReference
- {
- return new SpatialReference(4326);
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // tileInfo
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get tileInfo():TileInfo
- {
- return _tileInfo;
- }
- //----------------------------------
- // units
- // - needed if Map doesn't have it set
- //----------------------------------
- override public function get units():String
- {
- return "esriDecimalDegrees";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Overridden methods
- // getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- override protected function getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest
- {
- // Use virtual cache directory
- // This assumes the cache's virtual directory is exposed, which allows you access
- // to tile from the Web server via the public cache directory.
- // Example of a URL for a tile retrieved from the virtual cache directory:
- // http://serverx.esri.com/arcgiscache/dgaerials/Layers/_alllayers/L01/R0000051f/C000004e4.jpg
- var url:String = _baseURL
- + "/L" + padString(String(level), 2, "0")
- + "/R" + padString(row.toString(16), 8, "0")
- + "/C" + padString(col.toString(16), 8, "0") + ".png";
- return new URLRequest(url);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Private Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private function buildTileInfo():void
- {
- _tileInfo.height = 512;
- _tileInfo.width = 512;
- _tileInfo.origin = new MapPoint(-180, 90);
- _tileInfo.spatialReference = new SpatialReference(4326);
- _tileInfo.lods =
- [
- new LOD(0, 0.351562499999999, 147748799.285417),
- new LOD(1, 0.17578125, 73874399.6427087),
- new LOD(2, 0.0878906250000001, 36937199.8213544),
- new LOD(3, 0.0439453125, 18468599.9106772),
- new LOD(4, 0.02197265625, 9234299.95533859),
- new LOD(5, 0.010986328125, 4617149.97766929),
- new LOD(6, 0.0054931640625, 2308574.98883465),
- new LOD(7, 0.00274658203124999, 1154287.49441732),
- new LOD(8, 0.001373291015625, 577143.747208662),
- new LOD(9, 0.0006866455078125, 288571.873604331),
- new LOD(10, 0.000343322753906249, 144285.936802165),
- new LOD(11, 0.000171661376953125, 72142.9684010827),
- new LOD(12, 0.0000858306884765626, 36071.4842005414),
- new LOD(13, 0.0000429153442382813, 18035.7421002707),
- new LOD(14, 0.0000214576721191406, 9017.87105013534),
- new LOD(15, 0.0000107288360595703, 4508.93552506767)
- ];
- }
- private function padString(text:String, size:int, ch:String):String
- {
- while (text.length < size)
- {
- text = ch + text;
- }
- return text;
- }
- }
- }
package com.esri.ags.samples{import com.esri.ags.SpatialReference;import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.LOD;import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.TileInfo;import com.esri.ags.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer;import flash.net.URLRequest;/** * PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer */public class PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer extends TiledMapServiceLayer{ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer object. */ public function PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer() { super(); buildTileInfo(); // to create our hardcoded tileInfo setLoaded(true); // Map will only use loaded layers } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private var _tileInfo:TileInfo = new TileInfo(); // see buildTileInfo() private var _baseURL:String = "http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/arcgiscache/Portland_Portland_ESRI_LandBase_AGO/Portland/_alllayers"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden properties // fullExtent() // initialExtent() // spatialReference() // tileInfo() // units() // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // fullExtent // - required to calculate the tiles to use //---------------------------------- override public function get fullExtent():Extent { return new Extent(-123.596895130725, 44.297575737946, -121.553757125519, 46.3683237161949, new SpatialReference(4326)); } //---------------------------------- // initialExtent // - needed if Map doesn't have an extent //---------------------------------- override public function get initialExtent():Extent { return new Extent(-122.539, 45.500, -122.540, 45.501, new SpatialReference(4326)); } //---------------------------------- // spatialReference // - needed if Map doesn't have a spatialReference //---------------------------------- override public function get spatialReference():SpatialReference { return new SpatialReference(4326); } //---------------------------------- // tileInfo //---------------------------------- override public function get tileInfo():TileInfo { return _tileInfo; } //---------------------------------- // units // - needed if Map doesn't have it set //---------------------------------- override public function get units():String { return "esriDecimalDegrees"; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden methods // getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- override protected function getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest { // Use virtual cache directory // This assumes the cache's virtual directory is exposed, which allows you access // to tile from the Web server via the public cache directory. // Example of a URL for a tile retrieved from the virtual cache directory: // http://serverx.esri.com/arcgiscache/dgaerials/Layers/_alllayers/L01/R0000051f/C000004e4.jpg var url:String = _baseURL + "/L" + padString(String(level), 2, "0") + "/R" + padString(row.toString(16), 8, "0") + "/C" + padString(col.toString(16), 8, "0") + ".png"; return new URLRequest(url); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function buildTileInfo():void { _tileInfo.height = 512; _tileInfo.width = 512; _tileInfo.origin = new MapPoint(-180, 90); _tileInfo.spatialReference = new SpatialReference(4326); _tileInfo.lods = [ new LOD(0, 0.351562499999999, 147748799.285417), new LOD(1, 0.17578125, 73874399.6427087), new LOD(2, 0.0878906250000001, 36937199.8213544), new LOD(3, 0.0439453125, 18468599.9106772), new LOD(4, 0.02197265625, 9234299.95533859), new LOD(5, 0.010986328125, 4617149.97766929), new LOD(6, 0.0054931640625, 2308574.98883465), new LOD(7, 0.00274658203124999, 1154287.49441732), new LOD(8, 0.001373291015625, 577143.747208662), new LOD(9, 0.0006866455078125, 288571.873604331), new LOD(10, 0.000343322753906249, 144285.936802165), new LOD(11, 0.000171661376953125, 72142.9684010827), new LOD(12, 0.0000858306884765626, 36071.4842005414), new LOD(13, 0.0000429153442382813, 18035.7421002707), new LOD(14, 0.0000214576721191406, 9017.87105013534), new LOD(15, 0.0000107288360595703, 4508.93552506767) ]; } private function padString(text:String, size:int, ch:String):String { while (text.length < size) { text = ch + text; } return text; }}}customtiled.mxml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
- xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
- xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
- xmlns:esri="http://www.esri.com/2008/ags"
- xmlns:samples="com.esri.ags.samples.*"
- pageTitle="Extending TiledMapServiceLayer in Flex API">
- <!--
- @@includeFiles com/esri/ags/samples/PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer.as
- This sample shows how tiles can be used without the REST endpoint.
- The ArcGIS API for Flex allows for extending the API
- to access layer types not included as part of the API.
- In this example, tiled layers (TiledMapServiceLayer) is extended
- to access tiles created in 9.2 or above and made accessible
- in the standard virtual directory.
- Steps involved:
- 1. Creating new ActionScript class that extends TiledMapServiceLayer.
- 2. Hardcoding some of the configuration settings:
- fullExtent, initialExtent, spatialReference, tileInfo, and units.
- 3. Overriding the protected function getTileURL() to obtain the appropriate
- tiles and place them accurately on the map.
- 4. Using the extended class with MXML or ActionScript :)
- -->
- <esri:Map id="myMap">
- <samples:PortlandTiledMapServiceLayer id="virtualTiles" fadeInFrameCount="12"/>
- </esri:Map>
- <s:Label width="85%"
- backgroundColor="0xFFFF00"
- color="0x000000"
- fontSize="14"
- fontWeight="bold"
- horizontalCenter="0"
- paddingBottom="10"
- paddingLeft="10"
- paddingRight="10"
- paddingTop="10"
- text="By extending TiledMapServiceLayer, this application can access tiles from an ArcGIS 9.2 (or above) virtual directory. This specific service is in the {virtualTiles.spatialReference.wkid} spatialReference and has {virtualTiles.tileInfo.lods.length} scale levels."/>
- </s:Application>